7 ways to get the best nutrition out of your fruits & veggies

We hear a lot about the benefits of a plant-based diet; but did you know there are a variety of ways to get more out of your fruits and veggies? Here's a list of seven ways you might never have thought about that help you retain and absorb more nutrients from your meals. Buy frozen [...]

It’s time to celebrate!

Today LinkedIn has told the world (okay, maybe just my connections) that four years ago on this date, Plateful of Soul was born. It's hard to believe. Thank goodness for the Internet. If it wasn't for Facebook reminding me of people's birthdays, I would probably never remember their special days on time. If it wasn't [...]

Butternut Squash Spaghetti Sauce

Here is a recipe I whipped up recently. Because I never make anything small, this makes a lot...but easy enough to freeze some for later meals! Butternut Squash Spaghetti 1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed 1 jar (25-oz) spaghetti sauce 1 can (13.5 oz) light coconut milk Cook together on medium heat covered until squash is cooked. [...]

Fork Or Fiction: The fault in pairing your plate with technology

I was eating breakfast and settling down for a little light reading this past month when I came across this article in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics that grabbed my attention. I actually had to do a double take at the headline. It read: Evaluation of a Smart Fork to Decelerate Eating [...]

Proactively creating a happy 2017

Well, I went ahead and did it: I made a "Goodie Jar" for 2017. You see all these great ideas floating around the internet around the New Year in order to inspire gratitude and positivity for the next 12 months. Most reshare these ideas on Facebook and they recirculate a few times around your social [...]