7 ways to get the best nutrition out of your fruits & veggies

We hear a lot about the benefits of a plant-based diet; but did you know there are a variety of ways to get more out of your fruits and veggies? Here's a list of seven ways you might never have thought about that help you retain and absorb more nutrients from your meals. Buy frozen [...]

Recipe: Potato Curry

If you've been following my blog for the last few months, you probably can tell I like my stuff spicy. And during the winter, I always crave the warmth of Indian foods, like curries. So I looked through my cupboards and fridge, and whipped this up. But potatoes: They're nearly everyone's favorite food. From buttery [...]

Thai (inspired) Noodle Soup

So when I need inspiration, I hit the books - recipe books, that is. I have fewer recipe books than you'd think, though. Once I discovered internet recipes and Pinterest, there was no turning back. But there are several I hang onto with beautiful pictures that I turn to for ideas. And this past Friday [...]

The trouble with my grandmother …

"Never eat what your grandmother wouldn't recognize as food." It's a pretty ubiquitous caveat today. Somehow that one sentence is supposed to conjure up a homey, heart-tendering scene of all of our grandmothers, and the wisdom she brought to the kitchen. If it doesn't for you, don't worry. You're not alone. Because in America, we [...]

Butternut Squash Spaghetti Sauce

Here is a recipe I whipped up recently. Because I never make anything small, this makes a lot...but easy enough to freeze some for later meals! Butternut Squash Spaghetti 1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed 1 jar (25-oz) spaghetti sauce 1 can (13.5 oz) light coconut milk Cook together on medium heat covered until squash is cooked. [...]