8 tips that help you avoid gaining the “freshman 15”

You've graduated high school and you're off to college! Believe me when I say from the bottom of my heart, congratulations. You've worked hard for it. And it's one of the most exciting times of your life. You have the college experience to look forward to, and the rest of your life in front of [...]

5 minutes of this a day can keep the doctor away

Meditation improves mental and physical health Breathing can help prolong your life. Well, especially when you combine it with meditation. In an age where we are constantly multi-tasking, plugged in, inundated with images, facts and emails and enduring constant over-stimulation, it’s no wonder we’re exhausted and a little frayed at the edges each day. And when [...]

How better sleep can help you lose weight

If you are one of those people who fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to getting enough sleep every night, you could be heading toward a world of hurt sooner rather than later. Did you know that you are considered sleep-deprived if you have six or fewer hours of sleep? That [...]