The fresh connection

The fresh connection

A couple of weeks ago, my partner and I brought home our first-ever CSA (community supported agriculture) care package from an area organic farm. A CSA is simply an agreement where you pay a local farmer a certain amount for a set period of weeks, for which in return you get a weekly bag of the farm’s crop. They get the monetary support they need for daily operation, and you get a very healthy reward. Win-win for everyone.

When I ever got this bag home, I swore it was related to a clown car. The food just DID NOT stop coming, or so it seemed. This bag was simply BRIMMING with goodies, with even some greens I couldn’t identify. But that never scares us away. It just makes it more fun!

There were fruits, veggies, greens, spices… everything you could ask for. Two weeks later, I’m still trying to get through the last of it. And it was only $25.

Also let me tell you that when it comes to food, nothing says fresh better than taking your produce out of your “shopping bag” (pay no attention to the WHOLE FOODS logo on the side, does not indicate origin!) and each item is still covered with dirt and silt from the ground. They were probably only a few hours old out of the earth.


Still think it’s expensive to eat SOUL-fully? Search for yourself to find local organic farmers in your area, and see if they either have Farmer’s Markets or offer CSAs. I don’t think that you would regret it.

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